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  5. A Path to Wellness Integrative Psychiatry
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612 North Greene Street, Greensboro, NC, USA, Greensboro, North Carolina, United States 27401

You’ve been on this journey for a while. You’re tired of promises of quick fixes, especially those that ignore the truth: Life is complicated. You want your time and money to be spent wisely on support that reflects your truth. You want solutions that matter and that improve your overall sense of personal and relationship wellbeing. And, isn’t that really the key to happiness:  Wellness!?!

How do you get there? You’re unique and your situation is complicated. You need an approach that acknowledges where you’ve been and where you want to go…an approach that considers your many roles–parent, child, business owner, employee, grandparent, community member, advocate–as well as the environmental and social factors impacting these roles. Cookie-cutter approaches just won’t work. If they worked, you’d not be here.

What you need is a trusted guide and a clear path. That’s where we come in.

Contact Information
Phone: 336-604-5100

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