Who doesn’t like to relax with old friends and make new ones? Our Takeovers are an opportunity to enjoy some company, while checking out a LGBTQ-friendly restaurant or bar. Admission is free, but we encourage you to purchase a cocktail or food to support one of our local businesses.
Find out more and invite your friends to our next takeover via our Facebook page.
Know of a great spot where we can host a Takeover? Email info@ggfnc.org with a contact name, phone number and the name of the bar or restaurant.
For our next Takeover, join us at Speakeasy Tavern

This is a drop in event. No need to sign up, just join us when you can!
Is There A Cost To Attend Takeovers?
Only the cost of your own drinks and food.
What Time Do People Arrive and Leave?
It depends. There are people that stop by directly after work and leave after an hour or so. And then there are the folks that go home change and meet up with friends before coming. Either works. A representative from GGF will be there greeting people from 5:30-7:30 or 8:00pm. Times may vary depending on the venue. Please check each Takeover Info graphic for specific details.
What if I am New To Town or Don’t Know Anyone?
Then Takeover is for you! GGF board members will be there – wearing their silver name badges, working the room making sure that everyone is having a good time and meeting new people. You can also speak to board members and staff about becoming move involved with GGF.
Can I Make A Reservation For Dinner?
Most of the time, Yes, we encourage you to contact the restaurant directly to make your reservation. And be sure to tell them that you are attending Takeover. Please see each event’s info graphic for specific details.
Have a Suggestion for a Bar/Restaurant?
Email info@ggfnc.org with a contact name, number and name of bar/restaurant