Q Chat Space
Are you a youth looking for the Q Chat Space online discussions? Go to www.qchatspace.org. Q Chat Space provides live, chat-based, professionally facilitated, online support and discussion groups for LGBTQ+ teens 13-19. LGBTQ+ youth need safe opportunities to chat with others like them within a structure that encourages compassionate interactions and discourages bullying and harassment. LGBTQ+ youth don’t like being seen as always in crisis. However, they face many obstacles to accessing in-person resources, from a lack of transportation to an understandable hesitancy to attend face-to-face groups. A young teen often has no practical way to get to a LGBTQ+ community center, when it’s potentially a hundred miles away (or more). Q Chat Space brings a core service of an LGBTQ+ community center, a support group, directly to a teen’s digital device. A study assessing the utility, feasibility, and acceptability of Q Chat Space found that the program “offers promising strategies to address the risk factors implicated in LGBTQ youth health and wellbeing.”